Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Assets of Criticism

Criticism, whether it be focused on Architecture, Design, Art, Music, Literature, or any one of the other infinite life-fulfilling elements of modern society (even the ones that haven't earned capitalization), is an opportunity for self reflection. Art, at its core, is a mirror that reflects the beliefs, thoughts, and prejudices of the viewer back at themselves. This self-analysis is a vital part of criticism that should always occur as a part of the process. Perhaps it's my own experiences that inform this belief, but I don't think this aspect of criticism occurs nearly enough.

It's easy to vomit a paper-thin opinion when asked if you like the book you're reading, but it's even easier to answer with a sheepish "Meh!?", and a shrug of the shoulder. Everything is worth forming an opinion of. That opinion, when it's individually meaningful, will tell you something about yourself and inversely will inform others about you. That is my purpose for starting Urban Fractal.

I, as a professional architect with my personal interests, have surrounded myself with inexhaustible opportunities to explore and criticize! However, what I’m really after is the self-analysis that will come as a result of this endeavor. Cliché, repetitive, trite...I don’t care, this is the method I’ve chosen to force myself to analyze the elements that come into my life that I have an interest in. I realized I needed a structured method to do this, and you’re reading the result.

I intend to focus on Architecture and Design, but rest assured Music, Literature, Movies and Art will make regular appearances. Despite the content flexibility, the one rule I’ll adhere to is – every post will contain an honest and thoughtful opinion, and a self-realized explanation of where it comes from.

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